Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Role of Student in Development of Our Nation - 1706 Words
Role of Student in Development of Our Nation Our national development agenda has its focus on rural development. Most of India dwells in rural areas and therefore the national development agenda rightly seeks justice for those who often live in poverty, in the state of hunger and malnutrition and deprived of clean environment, sanitation and medical facilities. Rural scenarios are generally represented by agriculture, which involves all the land-related activities, such as cropping, forestry, agroforestry, plant protection, horticulture, animal husbandry, poultry, rural-based agro-industries, and the likes. The state agricultural universities, the Indian Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutes and the rural development institutionsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Rural development processes must have primacy of youth involvement. This should begin with special orientation inherent in our course curricula. Most of the subjects taught to the students at agricultural universities are not only relevant to rural areas and farming communities but also emanate from a vision of rural development evolved together by our by a galaxy of educationists, planners and statesmen. The courses are natural allies of the rural development processes. But the pedagogic mechanism is unable to stimulate amongst the students any strong emotional affinity towards Indian culture, heritage and rural elements of national development paradigm. Students, unfortunately, keep on thinking about acquiring physical amenities and fat salaries through services in urban and industrial environments and/ or in western or Europea n countries. Our public system should make sincere efforts for creating employment opportunities in rural areas. There is large number of agro-based industries which should especially be established in rural areas. These industries might range from cottage industries to the ones manufacturing finishing products of high value and low volume, such as perfumery, vegetable seed production, dairy product processing, etc. University graduates and trained post graduates if employed in theseShow MoreRelatedRole of Student to Maintain Peaceful Atmosphere at Home, School and Society1229 Words à |à 5 PagesROLE OF STUDENTS HOW STUDENTS CAN BEST SERVE THEIR COUNTRY: Hints: 1. Tremendous man-power of the country is being wasted away. 2. Education must be made purposeful and practical. 3. High aims and aspirations must be set before the students. 4. Students must work to remove social evils. 5. Students must actively participate in the economic development of the country. 6. Military training is essential. 7. 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It is read at all Calgary Board of Education Leadership meetings and at the beginning ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Mission High 1437 Words à |à 6 Pagesis one of schools located in San Francisco California and this school has significant impact to many students. One of my major goal was to understand better and develop interest in my teaching career. Reading this book have changed my opinions in different ways while understanding better in different cultures. First and foremost, the author have well experience in her book by discussing the role of school in society. The author, ââ¬Å"Kristina Rizgaâ⬠has emphasized the importance of education and herRead MoreEssay On Community Service Learning1510 Words à |à 7 PagesAssembly of First Nations (AFN), located on unceded Algonquin territory in Ottawa. The mandate of the organization is to provide national-level advocacy for First Nations policy issues in Canada, as directed by the Chiefs from across the country at bi-annual assemblies. The AFN receives its mandate from resolutions passed at these assemblies, and is accountable to over 630 First Nations, as well as urban and rural First Nations peoples, through this process (Assembly of First Nations, 2017a). My placementRead MoreNo Child Left Behind ( Nclb )761 Words à |à 4 Pageseducational policies in effect were ââ¬Å"A Nation at Risk, in 1987 America 2000, and a few years later with Goals 2000â⬠(Eisner, 2001, p.21). No Child Left Behind is a test based accountability system used in schools to measure their performance holding the districts, administrators and teachers liable and accountable for the outcomes. Supovitz (2009) States that No Child Left Behind was a major reform initiative intended to bring about widespread improvements in student performance and reduce inequitiesRead MoreImpact of Globalization on Singapore1259 Words à |à 5 Pagescontinue to have a vast impact on Singapore as a Nation and on its identity and culture. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Donââ¬â¢t no Free Essays
Aeronautical Science, Aviation Professionalism, Careers, and Certification Learning Objective: 1 . Explain the qualifications, attributes, ethics, and responsibilities of aviation professionals. 1 . We will write a custom essay sample on Donââ¬â¢t no or any similar topic only for you Order Now Website: http://www. Fifth. Org/2011 /02/the-aviation-professional/ 2. Summary Directions: Always Professional To be in aviation means that you must put your best foot forward in all that you do. You must always be professional even when no one is looking. To be professional Is a qualification, attribute, and ethical responsibility that cannot be taking lightly. The duties and obligations that go along with being professional as an aviation member is critical to each mission. The pilotââ¬â¢s responsibility is to know his or her Job and all emergency procedure that go along with their Job, thatââ¬â¢s professional. Professional Is an action thatââ¬â¢s not Just learned, but drill Into a personââ¬â¢s mind, body, and soul. So, when theyââ¬â¢re in a panic situation Its second nature to them. To be professional Is to carry oneââ¬â¢s self In an appropriate manner, so that If anyone seeââ¬â¢s them they know what values they stand for. A professional Is a person that knows his or her craft ended regular measures. Aviation professional know that they must do the right thing when no one Is watching, because they hold lives In their hands. People that work In the aviation field take the extra steps to do things right, thatââ¬â¢s practicing good ethics. These qualities can be found In many aviation personnel and that Is why we call them professionals. Wilbur Wright once said, ââ¬ËThe safety of the operator Is more Important than any other point. Greater prudence Is needed rather that greater skill. â⬠Each member of an aviation crew knows that If the pilot Is safe so Is all that flies with them. That Is why It Is Imperative that aviation professionals do the right thing when no one else Is watching. Donââ¬â¢t no By metadata You must always be professional even when no one is looking. To be professional is a emergency procedure that go along with their Job, thatââ¬â¢s professional. Professional is an action thatââ¬â¢s not Just learned, but drill into a personââ¬â¢s mind, body, and soul. So, when theyââ¬â¢re in a panic situation its second nature to them. To be professional is to carry oneââ¬â¢s self in an appropriate manner, so that if anyone seeââ¬â¢s them they know what values they stand for. A professional is a person that knows his or her craft hint when no one is watching, because they hold lives in their hands. People that work in the aviation field take the extra steps to do things right, thatââ¬â¢s practicing good ethics. These qualities can be found in many aviation personnel and that is why we call them professionals. Wilbur Wright once said, ââ¬Å"The safety of the operator is more important than any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather that greater skill. â⬠Each member of an aviation crew knows that if the pilot is safe so is all that flies with them. That is why it is imperative that aviation professionals do the right thing when no one else is watching. How to cite Donââ¬â¢t no, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Outline one aspect of psychological development Essay Example For Students
Outline one aspect of psychological development Essay Residential drug-free treatment is used to identify live-in treatment that offers no chemical support. Most residential drug-free programmes are therapeutic communities or have adopted some therapeutic-community or self-help method. Is often described as a large family that provides physical and emotional support to all its members, to help them break free form drugs and the patterns of behaviour that reinforce drug use. It is a closely knit community where mutual concern is demonstrated and where caring relationships among residents and between residents and staff are the ideal, if not always the norm . (Mothner Weitz,1984, p. 45 ). In these communities an individuals status is never in doubt. Everybody has a job in the community; for example, somebody may work in the kitchen serving and the reward for doing that job well is a promotion in the hierarchical structure. The program is long, hard and extensive. The key element in this program is a staff of ex-addicts who are able to motivate and guide the new drug-dependent individuals effectively. The backbone of the therapy is the almost constant, brutally honest confrontations: Individuals are forced to see themselves through the eyes of other people. Therapeutic communities can be a great success for those who manage to complete the residential period. As a number of long-term outcome studies in U. S. A pointed out, there are three measures of success: No use of illicit drugs, no criminal involvement, and full-time employment. Last but not least is the medical-psychological approach which best serves those who also suffer from psychological and physiological disorders that respond to professional intervention, usually in a hospital setting. Although this form of treatment entails mainly detoxification and medical management of drug use-related complications, it does provide such benefits as: Treatment of medical or psychiatric complications resulting from, or even causing drug use; Refuge for the approximately 15 percent of drug abusers who at any given time might seek abstinence; interaction with other drug abusers and motivated personnel involved in their treatment, and consequently new insights into the reality, and meaning of their situation; and perhaps the most important, regular contact with human beings who can show them compassion and caring concern without authoritative hostility. (Dreyfus,1976, p. 140). Medical psychological intervention can be very effective to the portion of adolescence that uses drugs in order to self-medicate disorders such as: Manic-depressive states, schizophrenia or severe anxiety. When these disorders are eventually treated, individuals will not have the need to use illicit drugs anymore. The above are some main drug abuse therapies. There are some others, equally significant such as pharmacotherapy, communal therapy, legal therapy that can also help individuals to get off drugs and move ? n with their lives. It must be stated however that no treatment program alone can be totally effective for the drug problem. Confronting this scourge of slow death is certainly not an easy thing to do. However, it can be controlled and healed with the help and effort of all of us. Everybody, the individuals and the society can make a difference in facing this problem. This threat, harass the youth from which our society expects a lot. That is why all of us have serious responsibility to deal with this threat, so our adolescents can enjoy a stable, progressive and creative future. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. CONGER J. (1979) Adolescence Generation Under Pressure. London: Harper Row 2.CONGER J. J PETERSEN A. C. (1984) Adolescence Theory and Youth, 3rd edn. U. S. A: Harper Row. 3. DREYFUS E. A. (1987) Adolescence Theory and Experience. London: Bell Howell. 4. DUSEK J . B. (1987) Adolescent Development and Behaviour U. S. A. Prentice-Hall 5. GOSLING R. (1975) Adolescence and Breakdown. London: George Allen Unwin. 6. GRINDER R. E. (1978) .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b , .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .postImageUrl , .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b , .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b:hover , .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b:visited , .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b:active { border:0!important; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b:active , .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0b88cabe15da2e2fe727adfc1e66343b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Oliver Twist Essay ThesisAdolescence, 2nd edn. U. S. A: Wiley 7. HODGKINSON L. (1986) Addictions U. S. A: Thorsons 8. LEFRANCOIS G. R. (1981) Adolescents, 2nd edn U. S. A: Wadsworth. 9. MOTHNER I WEITZ A. (1986) How to Get off Drugs London: Penguin books. 10. WYATT J. (1973) Talking About Drugs. London: Wayland.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Themes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay Example For Students
Themes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay There are many major Themes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay, some more present than others, for instance, honor and pride which lead to manipulation (domination) and finally, the game itself. These are three themes that get the audience interested in the story and give them an appetite for more of the story. Honor and pride play a big part in the game the Green Knight is playing because it is what he trusts will cause one of the knights to accept his challenge. The knight insults King Arthur and his court deliberately to trigger a response, which he gets. King Arthur is a proud king but this moment in the story is an example of foolish pride on his part. We will write a custom essay on Themes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Before he even knew the clauses of the contract with the green knight, who stayed vague enough to let him believe that he was seeking a challenge, Arthur says: Sir courteous knight, if contest you crave, You shall not fail to fight. At this point, the audience wonders why he uses the word courteous as an adjective for this insolent knight who burst into the dining room armed, on his horse and asked for the captain of this crowd. This is the first example of Arthurs foolish pride. He answered this way to save the face of his knights and his court and it will lead him to trouble. The knight exposes the rules of the game and the audience wonders who will take on the challenge, why isnt any of the knight of the round table getting up and accepting the challenge? He goes even further by insulting the king and his court directly, calling them cowards, laughing loud to their face until Arthur blushes, The blood for sheer fame shot to his face and pride gets up and takes the challenge on himself. Now the crowd is inquisitive. They wonder what will happen to Arthur because surely there is a catch in the knight game and Arthur in foolishly falling into his trap. Now Sir Gawain stands and takes Arthurs place and is asked, by the Green Knight, to swear to seek him out a year from then to complete the second part of the deal . By making this oath right away without hesitation, he shows a great proof of honor and pride. He answers right away: What is the way there? Where do you dwell?. Of course, now the audience is sitting at the edge of their chair waiting to see if Sir Gawains attack will be effective at all against the Green Knight. Manipulation and domination and also a major theme in this story because it is what the Green Knight is counting on when convincing King Arthur and his court to accept the challenge. He plays on their pride and honor and knows that they will make their decision based on those two factors, rather that think everything over and make a decision based on logic. The audience likes this because the Green Knight is an appealing villain. He is huge and proud and not afraid of any of the Knight of the Round Table, and he insults King Arthur to his face, repeatedly from the moment he entered the room. The first manipulative aspect of this knight is the way he presents himself: fearless, proud, arrogant, without armor. A green horse great and thick; A headstrong steed of might, In broidered bridle quick, Mount matched man aright. This is a form of intimidation and this is the first step in getting Arthur to accept the challenge. .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 , .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .postImageUrl , .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 , .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64:hover , .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64:visited , .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64:active { border:0!important; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64:active , .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64 .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0476a14c51fc5e3bc992a8a2ec79ab64:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sixties Counterculture: 10 Pg Proposal EssayBibliography: No bibliography .
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A Collection of Anthropology Definitions
A Collection of Anthropology Definitions The study of anthropology is the study of human beings: their culture, their behavior, their beliefs, their ways of surviving. Here is a collection of other definitions of anthropology from anthropologists and other dedicated to defining and describing what Alexander Pope (1688ââ¬â1744) called the proper study of mankind- man. Anthropology Definitions Anthropology is less a subject matter than a bond between subject matters. It is part history, part literature; in part natural science, part social science; it strives to study men both from within and without; it represents both a manner of looking at man and a vision of man- the most scientific of the humanities, the most humanist of sciences.- Eric Wolf, Anthropology, 1964. Anthropology has traditionally attempted to stake out a compromise position on this central issue by regarding itself as both the most scientific of the humanities and the most humanistic of the sciences. That compromise has always looked peculiar to those outside anthropologyà but today it looks increasingly precarious to those within the discipline.- James William Lett. 1997. Science Reason and Anthropology: The Principles of Rational Inquiry. Rowman and Littlefield, 1997. Anthropology is the study of humankind. Of all the disciplines that examine aspects of human existence and accomplishments, only Anthropology explores the entire panorama of the human experience from human origins to contemporary forms of culture and social life.- University of Florida Anthropology is Answering Questions Anthropologists attempt to answer the question: how can one explain the diversity of human cultures that are currently found on earth and how have they evolved? Given that we will have to change rather rapidly within the next generation or two this is a very pertinent question for anthropologists.- Michael Scullin Anthropology is the study of human diversity around the world. Anthropologists look at cross-cultural differences in social institutions, cultural beliefs, and communication styles. They often seek to promote understanding between groups by translating each culture to the other, for instance by spelling out common, taken-for-granted assumptions.- University of North Texas Anthropology seeks to uncover principles of behavior that apply to all human communities. To an anthropologist, diversity itself- seen in body shapes and sizes, customs, clothing, speech, religion, and worldview- provides a frame of reference for understanding any single aspect of life in any given community.- American Anthropological Association Anthropology is the study of people. In this discipline, people are considered in all their biological and cultural diversities, in the present as well as in the prehistoric past, and wherever people have existed. Students are introduced to the interaction between people and their environments to develop an appreciation of human adaptations past and present.- à Portland Community College Anthropology explores what it means to be human. Anthropology is the scientific study of humankind in all the cultures of the world, both past and present.- Western Washington University The Human Experience of Anthropology Anthropology is the study of humans in all areas and in all periods of time.- Triton College Anthropology is the only discipline that can access evidence about the entire human experience on this planet.- Michael Brian Schiffer Anthropology is the study of human culture and biology in the past and present. - Western Kentucky University Anthropology is, at once, both easy to define and difficult to describe; its subject matter is both exotic (marriage practices among Australian aborigines) and commonplace (the structure of the human hand); its focus both sweeping and microscopic. Anthropologists may study the language of a tribe of Brazilian Native Americans, the social life of apes in an African rain forest, or the remains of a long-vanished civilization in their own backyard- but there is always a common thread linking these vastly different projects, and always the common goal of advancing our understanding of who we are and how we came to be that way. In a sense, we all do anthropology because it is rooted in a universal human characteristic- curiosity about ourselves and other people, living and dead, here and across the globe.- University of Louisville Anthropology is devoted to the study of human beings and human societies as they exist across time and space. It is distinct from other social sciences in that it gives central attention to the full-time span of human history, and to the full range of human societies and cultures, including those located in historically marginalized parts of the world. It is therefore especially attuned to questions of social, cultural, and biological diversity, to issues of power, identity, and inequality, and to the understanding of dynamic processes of social, historical, ecological, and biological change over time.- Stanford University Anthropology is the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the humanities. - Attributed to A.L. Kroeber The Jam in the Sandwich Culture is the jam in the sandwich of anthropology. It is all-pervasive. It is used to distinguish humans from apes (everything that man does that the monkeys do not (Lord Ragland)) and to characterize evolutionarily derived behaviors in both living apes and humans. It is often both the explanation of what it is that has made human evolution different and what it is that it is necessary to explain... It exists in the heads of humans and is manifested in the products of actions. ... [C]ulture is seen by some as the equivalent of the gene, and hence a particulate unit (the meme) that can be added together in endless permutations and combinations, while to others it is as a large and indivisible whole that it takes on its significance.à In other words, culture is everything to anthropology, and it could be argued that in the process it has also become nothing.- Robert Foley and Marta Mirazon Lahr. 2003. On Stony Ground: Lithic Technology, Human Evolution, and the Emergence of Culture. Evolutionary Archaeology 12:109-122.à Anthropologists and their informants are inextricably bound together in producing an ethnographic text that integrates the impact of their unique personalities, their social incongruities, and their dreams.- Moishe Shokeid, 1997. Negotiating Multiple Viewpoints: The cook, the native, the publisher, and the ethnographic text. Current Anthropology 38(4):638.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How Peer Review Works in the Social Sciences
How Peer Review Works in the Social Sciences Peer review, at least in intent, is the way the editors of academic journals attempt to keep the quality of articles in their publications high, and assure (or attempt to assure) that poor or fallacious research does not get published. The process is tied up with political and economic issues involving tenure and pay scales, in that an academic who participates in the peer review process (whether as author, editor, or reviewer) gets rewarded for that participation in an increase in reputation which can lead to an increase in pay scales, rather than direct payment for services rendered. In other words, none of the people involved in the review process is paid by the journal in question, with the sole exception (maybe) of one or more editorial assistants. The author, editor, and reviewers all do this for the prestige involved in the process; they are generally paid by the university or business that employs them, and in many cases, that pay is contingent upon obtaining publication in peer-reviewed journals. The editorial assistance is generally provided in part by the editors university and in part by the journal. The Review Process The way academic peer review works (at least in the social sciences), is that a scholar writes an article and submits it to a journal for review. The editor reads it over and finds between three and seven other scholars to review it. The reviewers selected to read and comment on the scholars article are chosen by the editor based on their reputations in the specific field of the article, or whether they are mentioned in the bibliography, or if they are personally known to the editor. Sometimes the author of a manuscript suggests some reviewers. Once a list of reviewers is drawn up, the editor removes the name of the author from the manuscript and forwards a copy to the chosen stout hearts. Then time passes, a lot of time, generally, between two weeks and several months. When the reviewers have all returned their comments (made directly on the manuscript or in a separate document), the editor makes a preliminary decision about the manuscript. Is it to be accepted as is? (This is very rare.) Is it to be accepted with modifications? (This is typical.) Is it to be rejected? (This last cases is also fairly rare, depending on the journal.) The editor strips out the identity of the reviewers and sends along the comments and her preliminary decision about the manuscript to the author. If the manuscript was accepted with modifications, it is then up to the author to make changes until the editor is satisfied that the reviewers reservations are met. Eventually, after several rounds of back and forth, the manuscript is published. The period from submission of a manuscript to publication in an academic journal generally takes anywhere from six months to over a year. Problems with Peer Review Problems inherent in the system include the time sink between submission and publication, and the difficulty obtaining reviewers who have the time and inclination to give thoughtful, constructive reviews. Petty jealousies and full blown political differences of opinion are difficult to restrain in a process where no one is made accountable for a specific set of comments on a particular manuscript, and where the author has no ability to correspond directly with her reviewers. However, it must be said that many argue that the anonymity of the blind review process allows a reviewer to freely state what he or she believes about a particular paper without fear of reprisal. The burgeoning of the internet in the first decade of the 21st century has made a huge difference in the way articles are published and made available: the peer review system is often problematic in these journals, for a number of reasons. Open access publishingin which free draft or completed articles are published and made available to anyoneis a wonderful experiment that has had some hitches in getting started. In a 2013 paper in Science, John Bohannen described how he submitted 304 versions of a paper on a bogus wonder drug to open-access journals, over half of which were accepted. Recent Findings In 2001, the journal Behavioral Ecology changed its peer review system from one which identified the author to reviewers (but reviewers remained anonymous) to a completely blind one, in which both author and reviewers are anonymous to one another. In a 2008 paper, Amber Budden and colleagues reported that statistics comparing the articles accepted for publication before and after 2001 indicated that significantly more women have been published in BE since the double-blind process began. Similar ecological journals using single-blind reviews over the same period do not indicate a similar growth in the number of woman-authored articles, leading researchers to believe that the process of double-blind review might assist with the glass ceiling effect. Sources Bohannon J. 2013. Whos afraid of peer review? Science 342:60-65. Budden AE, Tregenza T, Aarssen LW, Koricheva J, Leimu R, and Lortie CJ. 2008. Double-blind review favours increased representation of female authors. Trends in Ecology Evolution 23(1):4-6. Carver M. 2007. Archaeology journals, academics and open access. European Journal of Archaeology 10(2ââ¬â3):135ââ¬â148. Chilidis K. 2008. New knowledge versus consensus ââ¬â a critical note on their relationship based on the debate concerning the use of barrel-vaults in Macedonian tombs. European Journal of Archaeology 11(1):75ââ¬â103. Etkin A. 2014. A New Method and Metric to Evaluate the Peer Review Process of Scholarly Journals. Publishing Research Quarterly 30(1):23-38. Gould THP. 2012. The Future of Peer Review: Four Possible Options to Nothingness. Publishing Research Quarterly 28(4):285-293. Vanlandingham SL. 2009. Extraordinary Examples of Deception in Peer Reviewing: Concoction of the Dorenberg Skull Hoax and Related Misconduct. 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: International Symposium on Peer Reviewing. Orlando, Florida. Vesnic-Alujevic L. 2014. Peer Review and Scientific Publishing in Times of Web 2.0. Publishing Research Quarterly 30(1):39-49. Weiss B. 2014. Opening Access: Publics, Publication, and a Path to Inclusion. Cultural Anthropology 29(1):1-2.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Article response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Response - Article Example For instance, suppose two people are having a dialogue and using English language but of the same gender, they will most likely use ambiguous gender terms when referring to the other partyââ¬â¢ (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). This is because of self-consciousness evident among the speakers mostly contributed by semantic competition that prompts them evade utilizing distinctive pronouns (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). The study also depicts the aspects of both competition and influence evident when using pronouns especially by same gender parties even in Finnish language (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). This is evident in experiments 1 & 2 where researchers concluded other nonlinguistic languages shows similar characteristic in reduction of the number of pronouns. Section 2 In this article, Fukumura, Scholfield and Hyona (2013) arguments regarding the choice of gender and who to refer to based on situation influences either increment or reduction of pronouns. This is apparent in the event of semantic similarity, which influences the choice of referring expressions. For instance, this is evident when a referential competitor utilizes pronoun ââ¬Å"theyâ⬠to denote people having similar animacy (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). ... For instance, speaker of certain gender based on his or her situation may end up not to using any pronoun in referring to a person of the same gender (Van Gompel, Fukumura, Harley & Pickering, 2011). Hence, result to altering the number of pronouns in a given conversation, which is in agreement with all the three articles. Heine and Song in their study refer this as ââ¬Å"desementicizationâ⬠because the speaker owing to the situation he or she is undergoing when trying to refer to a fellow person inevitably ends up not discarding common collective pronouns. Since, he or she cannot seclude oneself in similar situation to expound more about others. Therefore, being either male or female in a group of the same gender when choosing reference expressions yields to ââ¬Å"interferenceâ⬠, which in turn ends up to fewer pronouns as cited by the main article (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). This is also evident in Van Gompel, Fukumura, Harley and Pickering (2011) study though on their part use the world ââ¬Å"Same Featuresâ⬠in referring similarity of any given group of people or entity. Hence, implying these two articles based on the evidenced analyzed, actively support the argument of the main article concerning reduction in the number of pronouns but based on a personââ¬â¢s gender, which I also concur with and support. This is especially in the manner of elaborating though they are using varied words like ââ¬Å"featuresâ⬠to imply uniqueness, which in most cases limits oneââ¬â¢s ability to choose usage of certain pronouns (Van Gompel, Fukumura, Harley & Pickering, 2011). Section 3 Excerpt 1 â⬠¦when the referent and the competitor are both male, the activated gender node being male causes interference, leading to fewer pronouns, because by virtue of the link between the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Culture Shock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Culture Shock - Essay Example Often, the way that we lived before, is not accepted or considered as normal, in the new placeââ¬â¢. The cultural shock experienced by the diverse communities in the current multicultural society due to widely disparate socio-cultural values, is one of the most important factors that needs to be fully understood in the broader context. The changing values necessitate development of a new social order which would not only embrace multi cultural values but help forge a universal bond that would transcend national and religious boundaries for peaceful co-existence. Gender inequality and outlook towards casual sex are two of the most important cultural factors of the conservative cultures of the South-East Asian countries. When people from these countries travel to the West, especially America, they experience cultural shock. America is a land of opportunity and is characterized by its ever expanding diverse cultural paradigms. The democratic values are more emphatically visible here through equality between the genders and freedom of informed choices. The opportunities to exert those choices are openly practiced with societal support that an Indian immigrant, initially finds hard to accept. The language barriers, rules and regulations, food etc are other factors that make it difficult for them to overcome. It is important to understand that dapting to different environment is a gradual process that happens in phases. Before completely getting acculturized, factors like social networking and learning the language of the host country facilitates adjustment.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Access control Essay Example for Free
Access control Essay The purpose of this policy is to define standards for connecting to Richman Investments network from any host. These standards are designed to minimize the potential exposure to Richman Investments from damages which may result from unauthorized use of Richman Investments resources. Damages include the loss of sensitive or company confidential data, intellectual property, damage to public image, damage to critical Richman Investments internal systems, etc. Scope This policy applies to all Richman Investments employees, contractors, vendors and agents with a Richman Investments owned or personally-owned computer or workstation used to connect to the Richman Investments network. This policy applies to remote access connections used to do work on behalf of Richman Investments including reading or sending email and viewing intranet web resources and wireless devices. Remote access implementations that are covered by this policy include, but are not limited to, dial-in Modems, frame relay, ISDN, DSL, VPN, SSH, and cable modems, etc. VPN access control model for a large scale company. This policy will support remote access control for systems, applications, and data access. Remote access Defined Remote access for employees is deployed by using remote access VPN connections across the Internet based on the settings configured for the VPN Server, and the following additional settings. The following diagram shows the VPN server that provides remote access VPN connections. Domain/Network Config: For each employee that is allowed VPN access: * The network access permission on the dial-in properties of the user account is set to Control access through NPS Network Policy. The user account is added to the VPN_Users group in Active Directory. To define the authentication and encryption settings for remote access VPN clients, the following remote access network policy is created in Network Policy Server (NPS): * Policy name: Remote Access VPN Clients * Conditions: * NAS Port Type is set to Virtual (VPN) * Windows Groups is set to VPN_Users * Calling Station ID is set to 207. 209. 68. 1 * Permission is set to Grant access. NPS policy settings: * On the Constraints tab, under Authentication Methods, for EAP Types select Microsoft: Smart Card or other certificate. Also enable Microsoft Encrypted Authentication version 2 (MS-CHAP v2). * Or SSTP, L2tp/IPsec, PPTP, IKEv2 Access control model/ policy: This model would support Role based access controls and allow mandatory access control to be governed by remote access. The IS Dept. is responsible for maintaining the access and access rights and provides and restricted as needed by user roles in the organization. All data is encrypted and transmitted via remote and encrypted and used by the VPN tunnel. VPN access will be terminated on a 3 month basis and must be renewed by revisiting based on your access role and permissions
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Raskolnikovââ¬â¢s Duplistic Nature in Crime and Punishment :: Crime Punishment Essays
Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment is the story of a poor man in czarist Russia who can only purge himself of his guilt through suffering. It deals with the mental and physical tribulation brought upon him by his crime. His troubles are compounded by the conflicting personalities which he possesses. The reader is inclined to characterize him by his cold, intellectual side. Yet, without the contrasting humane side of his nature, Raskolnikov never realizes the errors in his theory and actions. Raskolnikov is defined by the duplistic nature of his personality, with each facet being just as vital as the other. Raskolnikov's cold side leads him to develop his theory, and thus to commit murder. This side of him bases all decisions on reason and rationalization (although it is sometimes incorrect), rather than on feeling. It is purely stoical, without emotion. The other side of his character is kind and compassionate. Without this side being presented the reader views him as an evil murderer, and not a mislead victim, as Dostoevsky intends. In the novel Raskolnikov engages in sporadic acts of kindness. He gives money to the Marmeladov family, he attempts to aid Marmeladov when he dies, and he tries to get a drunken girl home and away from her pursuer. All of these deeds were done without premeditation. He simply feels that at the time it is the right thing to do. After a short period of time his outlook dramatically reverses. He starts to rationally analyze what he has done, and then feels that his actions were stupid. This transition marks the return of his cold side, and it occurs after every kind thing that Raskolnikov does.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Force Practice Questions
A hockey stick exerts an average force of 39N on a 0. 2kg hockey puck over a displacement of 0. 22m. if the hockey puck started from rest, what is the final velocity of the puck? Assume no friction. Your physics teacher walking with the aid of a cane approaches a skateboard of 3. 5 kg lying on the side walk. Pushing with an angle of 60 degree down from the horizontal with his cane, he applies a force of 115N, which is enough to toll the skateboard out of his way. Calculate the initial accelerationA solo arctic adventurer pulls a string of two toboggans of supplies across level, snowy ground. The toboggans have masses of 95kg and 55kg. Appling a force of 165N causes the toboggans to accelerate at 0. 61m/s2. Find the tension in the rope attached to the second toboggan. A 75kg man is standing on a scale in an elevator when the elevator begins to descend with an acceleration of0. 66 m/s2. What is the reading on the scale while elevator is accelerating? A 32 kg baby is practising climbing skills on a climbing wall, while being belayed by her parent.The child loses her grip and dangles from the rope. When the parent starts lowing the child, the tension in the rope is 253N. Find the acceleration of the child when she is first being lowered. The lighter person on an Atwood machine is 45kg. If the tension in the rope is 512N, what is the mass of the second person? What is the acceleration of the two people? A 40g glider on an air track is connected to a suspended 25g mass by a string passing over a frictionless pulley. When the mass is released, how long will it take the glider to travel the 0. 5 m to the other end of the track. Starting from rest, Grace bikes down the starting ramp at a professional biking track. If the ramp has the minimum legal dimensions (1. 5m high and 12m long), find the acceleration when coefficient of friction is 0. 11 Lyn flick a 5. 5g coin up a smooth board propped at an angle of 25 degree to the floor. If the initial velocity of the coin is 2 . 3m/s up the board and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the coin and the board is 0. 4, how far does the coin travel before stopping?
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Rhetorical Anaylsis
Jorden House-Hay Rhetorical Analysis- Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor I chose Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor, by Garret Hardin, to analyze because, out of all the readings I have ever done for English, this particular one is by far the most memorable. It is also perfectly suited for my argument, because it is appropriately as offensive as it is logical. The essay, in short, is a rhetorical argument that claims that helping the poor or unfortunate people of the world-though it is considered the ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠thing to do- is, in actuality, harmful to the very future of our species. The actual message of the essay, however, is not what I want to endorse. When this essay was assigned to my class junior year, the almost overwhelming reaction was immediately a dismissal of the essayââ¬â¢s content, even though we had only so far been given the title. This can be attributed to the modern sense of morality regarding charity, or what the ââ¬Å"politically rightâ⬠thing to do is; my classmates were so outraged by the idea of not helping the poor that they formed their opinion before even being presented with the argument. This reaction- sensibility before rationality- is what I wish to argue against. I think that this takes place a lot in society, with public support unanimously given to the general agreement of what is ââ¬Å"morally rightâ⬠, even though what is considered ââ¬Å"morally rightâ⬠today may not actually be a good thing at all, and is arbitrary at that; different generations and societies over time- and even different cultures in the same time period- can have totally different views on what is moral and what is not. Therefore, there should always be, for the sake of intellectual purity, a detachment of sensibility from logic, especially regarding major decisions that can affect the entire country, or even the entire world. The essay is crude in terms of the modern western sense of morality, yes, but it is also very logically sound in a lot of ways, and worth at least dissection for truth before dismissal. So my purpose, or what I want to demonstrate in my analysis, is to show that just because something is offensive does not mean it is automatically incorrect. In regards to the essay, I am going to be analyzing the ways the argument against helping the poor is constructed, and why it is written at all. For my purpose, it is essential to my point- that something morally ââ¬Å"wrongâ⬠can still have merit- that I demonstrate clearly that the argument Hardin makes is well thought out, written for a legitimate reason, and, above all, logically sound. In order to make my case, I think it is necessary for me to prove that Hardin did his research, and is writing the essay not just to offend people or get a reaction, but out of genuine concern and actual belief in what he is saying. This is important because when the essay was released in 1974, it did indeed generate a public reaction, and was published in a well-known magazine, Psychology Today, so the argument can be made that Hardin wrote the essay for the singular reason of getting attention and provoking people, which, if true, would debase everything I am trying to prove in regards to its validity. My goal in analyzing, then, is to provide enough rhetorical evidence of the legitimacy of Hardinââ¬â¢s argument that my own argument is subsequently well supported. To prove that Hardinââ¬â¢s argument- and therefore my argument- is legitimate, I am going to analyze four major rhetorical devices he uses to help deliver his message. The first, and arguably most prominent, of these devices is metaphor. Hardin constructs the world in terms of an ocean, with its people floating in it. Wealth, in this metaphor, is a lifeboat, or safety, while poverty is being stranded in the ocean, unprotected from almost certain death. The second device is logos; Hardin uses fact based evidence and logical appeal in his argument as opposed to emotional appeal or personal accreditation. A third major device found throughout the text is refutation; frequently, Hardin addresses opponentââ¬â¢s arguments to his own points, and then ably refutes them. The final major device I will describe that Hardin employs is specific example; instead of just talking in general terms, Hardin uses specific examples of policies and perceptions that were current at the time of the essay. I chose these devices to analyze in the essay because I think they are the most prevalent, and that together they provide very solid evidence that Hardin makes a sound argument. The first device, metaphor, is brilliant in the respect that it takes a complicated, general principle, and simplifies it down to a specific and easily understandable scenario, which in turn makes the point Hardin is trying to make more easily grasped. Hardin sets up the metaphor as this: a lifeboat has a capacity of sixty people, and this safety is related to wealth. So, a lifeboat is the rich nations, and all around it in the water are the poor people of the world. There are fifty people in the lifeboat, according to the metaphor, so that leaves room for ten more. The dilemma, however, is that there are significantly more than ten people that need to be saved. This is the basis of Hardinââ¬â¢s whole argument; it is considered morally right to help the people in the water, or the poor people in the world, but given the situation helping them all is just not possible; to do so would mean the demise of us all, just like letting one hundred people on a lifeboat that can afford ten, at the very most (Hardin actually demonstrates that even this is too much due to the need for ââ¬Å"excess capacityâ⬠as a safety measure against disease and famine, but for the purpose of the paper I will not go into too much detail about that), will inevitably swamp it and save no one. Thus, Hardinââ¬â¢s argument is made clear; if we help the needy, we will all die in the long run, and in the short run suffer resultant consequences. This metaphor is used throughout the paper in addition to Hardinââ¬â¢s support to make the message perfectly clearâ⬠¦ for example, in addressing the guilt factor of ignoring the needs of the ââ¬Å"drowningâ⬠people, he memorably states ââ¬Å"Get out and yield your place to others. The point he makes is that short of switching places with a poor person, there is almost nothing we can do to help people that will not do more damage than good, so for reasons of absolute necessity we must be, to the appropriate extent, callous. While metaphor serves to make his argument clearer, Hardinââ¬â¢s other devices work to give it logical and fact based support. The next device, logos, is a prime method Hardin uses to support the essay. He argues from evidence, and logic, not emotion, and thus his information, which relies on the established credibility of others, cannot be refuted on basis of opinion, as the essay without evidence would almost certainly be handled that way. For example, in arguing that the population of poorer nations is increasing much faster than the richer nations, he uses actual data amongst his argument: ââ¬Å"As of 1973, the U. S had a population of 210 million people, who were increasing by . 08 percent per yearâ⬠¦ [poor nations] are increasing at a rate of 3. 3 percent per year. Using real evidence, he makes his point that poor reproduce faster in modern times, supports it with evidence, and then logically feeds the information back into his argument, again using the metaphor for clarification: not only are there more people in need of help-getting on the life boat- than we can afford to help, the numbers of the needy are creasing substantially faster, and the amount of people we cant afford to help is growing, making it necessary to become even more callous, or as Hardin puts it ââ¬Å"The harsh ethics of the lifeboat become harsherâ⬠. Another example of this is in reference to an actual quote made ironically by a former senior member of a corporation Hardin is criticizing. He laces the specific point he is trying to make at the time with evidence from a source that can hardly be called unfairly biased, and thus sets up the same dynamic; he states his point, backs it with evidence, and logically ties it back to his thesis, which is a classic and textbook application of logos. By constructing his argument from logic, and fact ââ¬âlogos-, and not just opinion, Hardin makes it significantly more reliable. The next device, refutation, is extremely important given the context of Hardinââ¬â¢s thesis. Stating a case against helping the poor is understandably going to cause controversy, as it goes completely against the ââ¬Å"politically correctâ⬠system of beliefs that state the opposite: helping those less fortunate than you is moral, and admirable. So, because of the touchiness of the subject, there is likely to be no shortage of counter arguments- by addressing some of what he probably considered the major ones, Hardin reinforces his case to some of his critics before they even start criticizing. A prominent example of this is when he addresses an argument he know will arise against his point of limiting immigration. He imitates an opponent and describes their argument: ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢You say that immigrants should be kept out. But arenââ¬â¢t we all immigrants, or the descendants of immigrants? ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ Having addressed his opponents case, Hardin then logically defeats it; he states that if we are to operate out of an inherent sense of guilt and ââ¬Å"pure justiceâ⬠, then it follows that in the case of America, we must return all land, as well as all the assets and profit gained as a result of it, back to what natives remain. It would be very hard to find even the most liberal opponent who would endorse this solution, thus Hardin shows that we have to operate based off real world situation, and ââ¬Å"must begin the journey to tomorrow from the point we are todayâ⬠, essentially refuting the refutation and logically demonstrating that argument from perspective of absolute justice is absurd, and irrelevant. Through employing this method of refutation here, and also at other particularly controversial points in the text, Hardin shows conclusively that his argument is well thought out, and also defends it in the process, adding yet another level of validity to the essay. Finally, in order to avoid being abstract and opening the door wide for increased criticism and skepticism , Hardin uses specific, real word examples to go along with his general statement. One of these is The World Food Bank, an organization in the process of being established during the time of the essayââ¬â¢s publication. The goal of the organization, in short, was to provide food for people in countries that had a lack of it. This is, of course, completely in opposition to what Hardin argues we should do, and so it is a very good example. To demonstrate why a global food bank is a bad idea, Hardin attacks it from several angles. First, he debases its intention, stating that while it ââ¬Å"appeals powerfully to our humanitarian impulsesâ⬠, it is not as pure of motive as its lobbyists claimed it to be. He outlines that an organization like that would mean ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢Billions for U. S Businessââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ , using the past example of the ââ¬Å"Food for peace programâ⬠that did indeed, in historical fact, profit its creators much more than its supposed benefactors. After showing corruption in modern institution of charity, Hardin then defeats it in its own terms, or in other words he argues against it as if it was in reality pure in its intentions. He argues that helping the overpopulated poor only leads to more overpopulation, and therefore a greater demand, that defeats possibility and would ultimately deplete the worldââ¬â¢s resources, leading to the suffering of our posterity. Here, Hardin thoroughly defeats the advantage of charity in a specific scenario relevant to his time, which solidifies his thesis and makes it much harder to refute then if he had stated it as opinion; the argument was made relatable to the current political system and functioning that Hardin wished to criticize, and by doing so he criticizes much more effectively. Reading this essay years later gives us the advantage of analyzing his statements for truth, and subsequently having a better idea as to whether his argument was a valid one or not. One particular piece of assumptive data that jumped out of me was Hardinââ¬â¢s prediction that Indiaââ¬â¢s population would increase from what it was in his time, ââ¬Å"600 millionâ⬠, to ââ¬Å"1. 2 billion in a mere 28 years. â⬠Today, 37 years later, Indiaââ¬â¢s population is estimated around that number. This gave me pause because, while it didnââ¬â¢t increase quite as fast Hardin claimed, it was close enough that it proves the population numbers he was working with and the predictions he made were fairly accurate. I do not know the extent to which Hardin was right, and how much we should trust his solution to overpopulation, but I do know based on this evidence along with the clarity of his logic and the completeness of his argument that it certainly should not be dismissed without giving what it proposes careful consideration. The reaction of my class, then, in rejecting it immediately was ill advised, and if that is at all an indicator of the habits of people in general, it can be a very dangerous thing; what Hardin claims will be a result of ignoring his advice is the suffering of our posterity and, eventually, the demise of our race and ruin of our environment. As a concerned member of an overly sensitive society, I want to urge with this essay that we consider all proposal given from every source with any sort of legitimate or fact based ethos, and that we absolutely must take on this intelligent and logical consideration in order to avoid the mistake of disregarding something that could be as serious as the subject addressed in Lifeboat ethics, especially for the poor reason of adherence to arbitrary, current morality. The fate of our country, of our children, and of the world itself could depend on it. Literal application of this essay is tricky, because it argues for a general attitude more than a specific action, and an attitude is something that you apply constantly. A great example of a way this attitude can be applied, however, is in an election of any kind, obviously including the upcoming presidential one in 2012. A literal application of this essay would be to encourage people to really analyze what the country needs and what a candidate offers without including personal and irrelevant opinion into the decision, such as whether abortion should be legal or whether the candidate offers support or disapproval to gay marriage. I understand that these are powerful issues to people, but given the state of the country I think there are definitely more important things- foreign policy and financial plans for example- that deserve more consideration. This encouragement could take place in a campaign to convince people of the necessity to logically and intelligently evaluate campaigns, or something of the sorts.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ancestry of Albert Einstein - Family Tree
Ancestry of Albert Einstein - Family Tree Albert Einstein was born in the city of Ulm in Wurttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879 into a non-observant Jewish family. Six weeks later his parents moved the family to Munich, where Einstein spent most of his early years. In 1894, Einsteins family moved to Pavia, Italy (near Milan), but Einstein chose to remain behind in Munich. In 1901 Albert Einstein received his diploma from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, as well as Swiss citizenship. In 1914, he returned to Germany as director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute in Berlin, a position he held until 1933. After Hitlers rise to power, life for professional Jews in Germany became very uncomfortable. Albert Einstein and his wife, Elsa, moved to the United States and settled in Princeton, New Jersey. In 1940 he became a US citizen. Professor Albert Einstein is best known for his special (1905) and general (1916) theories of relativity. First Generation 1. Albert EINSTEIN was born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany, to Hermann EINSTEIN and Pauline KOCH. On 6 January 1903 he married his first wife, Mileva MARIC in Berne, Switzerland, with whom he had three children: Lieserl (born out of wedlock in Jan 1902); Hans Albert (born 14 May 1904) and Eduard (born 28 July 1910). Mileva and Albert divorced in February 1919 and a few months later, on 2 June 1919, Albert married his cousin, Elsa EINSTEIN. Second Generation (Parents) 2. Hermann EINSTEIN was born on 30 August 1847 in Buchau, Wurttemberg, Germany and died on 10 October 1902 in Milan, Friedhof, Italy. 3. Pauline KOCH was born on 8 February 1858 in Canstatt, Wurttemberg, Germany and died on 20 February 1920 in Berlin, Germany. Hermann EINSTEIN and Pauline KOCH were married on 8 August 1876 in Canstatt, Wurttemberg, Germany and had the following children: à 1 i. Albert EINSTEIN ii. Marie Maja EINSTEIN was born on 18 November 1881 in Munich, Germany and died on 25 June 1951 in Princeton, New Jersey. Third Generation (Grandparents) 4. Abraham EINSTEIN was born 16 April 1808 in Buchau, Wurttemberg, Germany and died on 21 November 1868 in Ulm, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. 5. Helene MOOS was born on 3 July 1814 in Buchau, Wurttemberg, Germany and died in 1887 in Ulm, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. Abraham EINSTEIN and Helene MOOS married on 15 April 1839 in Buchau, Wurttemberg, Germany, and had the following children: à à à à i. August Ignaz EINSTEIN b. 23 Dec 1841 ii. Jette EINSTEIN b. 13 Jan 1844 iii. Heinrich EINSTEIN b. 12 Oct 1845 2 à iv. Hermann EINSTEIN v. Jakob EINSTEIN b. 25 Nov 1850 vi. Friederike EINSTEIN b. 15 Mar 1855 6. Julius DERZBACHER was born on 19 February 1816 in Jebenhausen, Wurttenberg, Germany and died in 1895 in Canstatt, Wurttemberg, Germany. He took the surname KOCH in 1842. 7. Jette BERNHEIMER was born in 1825 in Jebenhausen, Wurttemberg, Germany and died in 1886 in Canstatt, Wurttemberg, Germany. Julius DERZBACHER and Jette BERNHEIMER were married in 1847 and had the following children: à à à à i. Fanny KOCH was born 25 Mar 1852 and died in 1926. She was the mother of Elsa EINSTEIN, second wife of Albert EINSTEIN. ii. Jacob KOCH iii. Caesar KOCH 3 à iv. Pauline KOCH Next Fourth Generation (Great Grandparents) à Albert Einstein Family Tree, Generations 1-3 Fourth Generation (Great Grandparents) 8.à Rupert EINSTEINà was born on 21 July 1759 in Wurttemberg, Germany and died on 4 April 1834 in Wurttemberg, Germany. 9.à Rebekka OVERNAUERà was born on 22 May 1770 in Buchau, Wurttenberg, Germany and died on 24 Feb 1853 in Germany. Rupert EINSTEIN and Rebekka OBERNAUER were married on 20 Jan 1797 and had the following children: à à à i. Hirsch EINSTEIN b. 18 Feb 1799 ii. Judith EINSTEIN b. 28 May 1802 iii. Samuel Rupert EINSTEIN b. 12 Feb 1804 iv. Raphael EINSTEIN b. 18 Jun 1806. He was the grandfather of Elsa EINSTEIN, Alberts second wife. 4 à v. Abraham EINSTEIN vi. David EINSTEIN b. 11 Aug 1810 10.à Hayum MOOSà was born about 1788 11.à Fanny SCHMALà was born about 1792. Hayum MOOS and Fanny SCHMAL were married and had the following children: 5 i. à Helene MOOS 12.à Zadok Loeb DOERZBACHERà was born in 1783 in Dorzbach, Wurttemberg, Germany and died 1852 in Jebenhausen, Wurttemberg, Germany. 13.à Blumle SINTHEIMERà was born in 1786 in Jebenhausen, Wurttemberg, Germany and died in 1856 in Jebenhausen, Wurttemberg, Germany. Zadok DOERZBACHER and Blumle SONTHEIMER were married and had the following children: 6 i. à Julius DERZBACHER 14.à Gedalja Chaim BERNHEIMERà was born in 1788 in Jebenhausen, Wurttenberg, Germany and died in 1856 in Jebenhausen, Wurttenberg, Germany. 15.à Elcha WEILà was born in 1789 in Jebenhausen, Wurttemberg, Germany and died in 1872 in Goppingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. Gedalja BERNHEIMER and Elcha WEIL were married and had the following children: 7 i. à Jette BERNHEIMER Nextà à Fifth Generation (Great Great Grandparents) à Albert Einstein Family Tree, Generation 4 Fifth Generation (Great Great Grandparents) 16.à Naftali EINSTEINà was born about 1733 in Buchau, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany 17.à Helene STEPPACHà was born about 1737 in Steppach, Germany. Naftali EINSTEIN and Helene STEPPACH were married and had the following children: 8 à i. Naftali EINSTEIN 18.à Samuel OBERNAUERà was born about 1744 and died 26 Mar 1795. 19.à Judith Mayer HILLà was born about 1748. Samuel OBERNAUER and Judith HILL were married and had the following children: 9 à i. Rebekka OBERNAUER 24.à Loeb Samuel DOERZBACHERà was born about 1757. 25.à Goliesà was born about 1761. Loeb DOERZBACHER and Golies were married and had the following children: à à à à i. Samuel Loeb DERZBACHER was born 28 Jan 1781 12 ii. Zadok Loeb DERZBACHER 26.à Leob Moses SONTHEIMERà was born in 1745 in Malsch, Baden, Germany and died in 1831 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany. 27.à Voegele JUDAà was born in 1737 in Nordstetten, Wurttemberg, Germany and died in 1807 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany. Loeb Moses SONTHEIMER and Voegele JUDA were married and had the following children: 13 à i. Blumle SONTHEIMER 28.à Jakob Simon BERNHEIMERà was born 16 Jan 1756 in Altenstadt, Bayern, Germany and died 16 Aug 1790 in Jebenhausen, Wurttemberg, Germany. 29.à Leah HAJMà was born 17 May 1753 in Buchau, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany and died 6 Aug 1833 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany. Jakob Simon BERNHEIMER and Leah HAJM were married and had the following children: à à à à à i. Breinle BERNHEIMER b. 1783 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany ii. Mayer BERNHEIMER b. 1784 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany 14 iii. Gedalja BERNHEIMER iv. Abraham BERNHEIMER b. 5 Apr 1789 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany d. 5 Mar 1881 in Goppingen, Baden-Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany. 30.à Bernard (Beele) WEILà was born 7 Apr 1750 in Dettensee, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany and died 14 Mar 1840 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany. 31.à Roesie KATZà was born in 1760 and died in 1826 in Jebenhausen, Wà ¼rttemberg, Germany. Bernard WEIL and Roesie KATZ were married and had the following children: 15 à i. Elcha WEIL
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
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Saturday, November 2, 2019
Test#1, Part #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Test#1, Part #2 - Essay Example He objected most people moral norm ââ¬â that is to ââ¬Å"neverâ⬠steal ones property, not minding much about giving their excess resources or wealth to the famine victims. He wanted to spread the ââ¬Å"newsâ⬠that its a moral norm to help and save ââ¬Å"anyoneâ⬠within your capacity. If one has plenty of money, he can therefore help somebody whos stomach is starving. How about Garrett Hardins remedy? Its more convincing and practical in many ways. Since we all share life on this planet, no single person or institution has the right to destroy, waste, or use more than a fair share of its resources. He clearly explained the ethics of a spaceship with those of a lifeboat. He clearly depicted the system of the commons where no one take control of the major resources that needed to be preserved for some significant reasons. One has to save, one has to protect, and one has to take control in order to preserve room for life in the future. A lifeboat, for instance, is l imited in capacity. Few would survive or else all of them will die. Going to Jonathan Swifts modest proposal ââ¬â for preventing the children of poor people (in Ireland), from being a burden to their parents, or country, and for making them beneficial for the public ââ¬â their mother will nurse them, make them fat, and sell them as a nutritious foods for the rich men. So instead of giving additional expenditures, they will turn to be an income to their families, time would eventually come that there is no more beggar, or woman in rag along the street that begs for food. Let me tell you what I comprehended: giving fair share to the famine victims, for example in Bengal refugees cant help them, because its impossible for all of us to act by heart. It was then shown by the amount actually contributed that time by richer nations. If we will talk about the moral norm suggested by Singer, all of
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reflective journal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Reflective journal - Research Paper Example Nonetheless, I was pleased at being able to widen my area of experience and I had a positive outlook at joining the hospital. The use of the fieldwork learning framework helped me a lot in the previous placements that I had undergone so I used it to set my goals and the targets I would achieve while undergoing this hospital placement. I find this framework is especially useful in setting ones goals as it helps one apply both personal and professional resources that are available in order to continually develop a persons skills in the work place (Larkin & Hamilton, 2010). The continuous cycle allows one to go back reevaluate the progress that they have made as well as examine the different aspects that have room for improvement. The main goals I set for myself were to improve my manual hand skills as well as my documentation and interviewing skills. I spent the first day familiarizing myself with my surroundings and getting to know the other members of the staff and I got the opportunity to meet with my supervisor and formally introduce myself. I was formed on what my role as an Occupational therapist in the hospital would be and that we would mainly be focusing on the Oncology and General Surgery areas although there were many other areas that Occupational therapists could be involved in. I was a bit nervous as my knowledge on Oncology was not as thorough as I would have liked it to be and I hoped that things would go well but as the fieldwork learning framework suggests, learning is a continuous process that happens over time (Larkin & Hamilton, 2010). Once we began working, I was amazed at how busy the hospital was and the number of patients that we met on just the first day. I now believe that this plac ement will be harder than my previous ones but all in all I truly enjoyed my first day at the hospital. I have now finished my first week in the hospital and I have found it to be continually challenging. I have had to deal
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Clyfford still Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Clyfford still - Essay Example The artistââ¬â¢s feelings are also on the surface as it is clear that Still sympathized with those people and he is also very sad that some people had to live in such conditions. It is also possible to assume that the artist feels that the American society cannot be called a just one, as there are so many poor people who do not enjoy equal rights and do not have equal opportunities with the rest of Americans. As far as I am concerned, the painting made quite a strong impression on me. The first thing that caught my eye was the hands (as well as feet) of the man and the woman. It is clear that very poor people are depicted. The hands can be regarded as a symbol of hard work and large feet can symbolize distances that these people have to cover. I felt sorrow for the couple who had to work very hard day after day. My sad feelings were enhanced by the posture of the couple. The man and the woman are absolutely devastated. I almost felt their weariness. I assume that these two people are not only tired of the work, they are also tired of their lives. The man and the woman are dreaming and I feel they do not have any dreams as they have no enough powers to create any images in their heads, since they are too tired. Finally, one element attracted my special attention. The horseshoe, which is the symbol of good luck, can be regarded as a symbol of hope in the painting. The couple could hope that they might someday overcome their difficulties and live a happy and prosperous life. However, I do not feel that there is any hope for the two people. Unfortunately, when I am looking at the painting, I can only see despair and endless suffering of the couple as well as millions of other people all over the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Title IX Legislation Analysis
Title IX Legislation Analysis Title IX for South Suburban Bulldogs Athletic Department Introduction I. Brief History of Title IX A. Title IX Defined B. The Test C. Equal Pay Act II. Understanding Title IX Athletics Compliance Introduction A. Title IX Coordinator III. The Participation A. Athletics Team for Purposes of Title IX B. Athletics Participant for Title IX Purposes C. The Test IV. Athletic Benefits Opportunities A. The Laundry List Resources to Educate Athletic Staff to Advance Compliance with Title IX A. List of Resources Introduction Our goal is to commit to institutional control by establishing an organization that is operating in full compliance. Title IX law was passed on June 23, 1972 it was intended to end gender discrimination in education. Title IX offers women an equal athletic opportunity to participate in the sports and this law also applies to all educational programs that receive federal funding, and to all aspects of a schools educational system (Weight Zullo 2015, pg.84). An athletic director must make sure that the athletic department as a whole maintains compliance integrity with Title IX or the school may lose its federal funding as well as be brought up on legal allegations. I. Brief History of Title IX A. Title IX Defined No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance (Weight Zullo 2015, pg.84). B. The Test An athletic program can be considered gender equitable when the participants in both the men and women sports programs would accept as fair and equitable the overall program of the other gender. No individual should be discriminated against on the basis of gender, institutionally or nationally, in intercollegiate athletics(Weight Zullo 2015, pg.84). C. Equal Pay Act No covered employer shall discriminate between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees in such establishment at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the opposite sex in such establishment for equal work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions (www.ncaa.org). II. Understanding Title IX Athletics Compliance Introduction The conduct by a university that violates Title IX is sexual harassment, the failure to provide equal opportunity in athletics, and discrimination based on pregnancy. Title IX is enforced by the U.S. Department of Educations Office for Civil Rights along with several compliance enforcement offices throughout the United States. An Athletic Director must have full understanding of Title IX and the educational institutions role in implementing the law which will make the assessment phase meaningful. According to NCAA Title IX policy any educational intuition that receives federal funding must designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply and carry out the responsibilities under Title IX law and if an educational intuition does not appoint a Title IX coordinator they are failing to comply with Title IX and may face consequences of noncompliance which can include the possibility of losing federal funding for educational programs. (www.ncaa.org). The athletic director can maintain full control of the department when working with Title IX coordinator to stay updated on guidelines or new rule changes to the policy (www.ncaa.org). A. Title IX Coordinator Title IX Coordinator has a responsibility to fully understand Title IX, oversee compliance, development, and implementation of grievance procedures, and the intake, investigation, and resolutions of complaints of noncompliance. The information of Title IX Coordinator must be available to students and employees and this contact information is required on all recruiting materials published by the covered university (www.ncaa.org). III. Participation A. Athletics Team for Purposes of Title IX When assessing compliance in the area of athletics participation, it is first necessary to determine what teams count. The sport test is designed to determine whether programs or activities outside those sponsored by the NCAA such as mens rowing also qualify for inclusion when determining equity. B. Athletics Participant for Title IX Purposes A school must determine what the number of male and female athletics participants. The Policy Interpretation and 1996 Clarification defines a participant as one who receives the institutionally sponsored support normally provided to athletes competing at the institution involved. C. The Test 3Prong Test (1) provide participation proportionate to enrollment(2) show history and continuing practice of program expansion for underrepresented sex; or 3) fully accommodate underrepresented sex. Two-Part Test: 1) provide equivalent levels of competition (2) show upgrade of competitive levels (Mabry 2013, pg.503). IV. Athletic Benefits Opportunities A. The Laundry List Title IX regulations require that institutions provide equal athletics opportunities for members of both sexes. In order to determine whether or not a school provides equivalent athletics benefits and opportunities the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will review the following laundry list of treatment issues (Weight Zullo 2015, pg.89). Provision and maintenance of equipment and supplies Scheduling of games and practice times Travel and per diem expenses Opportunity to receive tutoring and assignment and compensation of tutors Opportunity to receive coaching, and assignment and compensation of coaches Provision of locker rooms, practice and competitive facilities Provision of medical and training services and facilities Provision of housing and dining services and facilities Publicity Support services Recruiting Resources to Educate Athletic Staff to Advance Compliance with Title IX As an athletic director the first responsibility is to create a fully complied Title IX sports department. Our athletes as well as staff will be advised on all Title IX policies, procedures rules and regulations. Staff heads will keep updated checklist on all things that pertain to Title IX procedures, attend trainings workshops and weekly newsletters to stay current with all changes of Title IX. Each department head will get a copy of the resources listed below so that there is ongoing awareness about all subjects as it pertains to Title IX. The Title IX Coordinator in conjunction with Athletic Director will continue to measure each department on the merits of the 3 prong test. A. List of Resources 1979 Title IX Intercollegiate Athletics A policy interpretation by the Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights (OCR) on Title IX and intercollegiate athletics (feminist.org). 2010 Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Clarification The Three Part Test part three (PDF) A clarification letter from the OCR withdrawing the 2005 additional clarification on the three part test part three, and all related documents accompanying it (feminist.org). Equity Assistance Centers Funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education 2011-2014 http://www2.ed.gov/programs/equitycenters/contacts.htmlContact the Civil Rights Act Title IV Equity Assistance Center serving your state. These centers provide technical assistance, training and resources on education equity issues related to gender, race, and national origin to state departments of education, local educational agencies, and schools upon request (feminist.org). National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Gender Equity http://www.ncaa.org/gender_equity and http://www.ncaa.org/lgbt NCAA is a voluntary membership organization through which the nations colleges and universities govern their athletics programs (feminist.org). The Legislative Services Database (LSDBi) is a useful tool for looking up bylaws and bylaw interpretations, which are published responses to specific questions about NCAA guidelines. The LSDBi has the advantage of being updated continuously throughout the year (Weight Zullo 2015, pg.78). Conclusion The Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights created three paths to demonstrate compliance with Title IX. A university will not have to worry about any violations of Title IX when they continue to operate within the margins that the percentages of male and female athletes are about the same as the percentages of male and female students enrolled at the school , that the school has a history and a continuing practice of expanding athletic opportunities for female students, and finally even though it is not offering its female students substantially proportionate opportunities to play sports, the school is nonetheless fully meeting female athletes interests and abilities (Weight Zullo 2015, pg.89). The goal is not to create an atmosphere of tension but of compliance and awareness to all student athletes and staff members. References Ladda, S. (2012). Examining Title IX at 40: Historical Development, Legal Implications, and Governance Structures. Presidents Council on Physical Fitness Sports Research Digest, 13(2), 10-20. Mabry, A. M. (2013). Title IX: Proportionality and walk-ons. The University of Memphis Law Review, 44(2), 497-522. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1510497892?accountid=28180 Spengler, J., Anderson, P., Connaughton, D., Baker, T. (2010). Introduction to Sport Law. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. Retrieved on March 6, 2107, From http://www.gallup.com/poll/7663/what-americans-see-title-ixs-future.aspx Weight, E. A., Zullo, R. (2015). Administration of intercollegiate athletics. Champaign, IL Human Kinetics. Retrieved on 3/09/17 From http://www.feminist.org/sports/ATHLETICS%20AND%20TITLE%20IX%20RESOURCES_09202013.pdf Retrieved on 3/09/17 From https://www.ncaa.org/sites/default/files/Title_IX%2BCoordinators%2B%2BNCAA%2Bresource%2B2011.pdf Title IX Legislation Analysis Title IX Legislation Analysis ARGUMENT I. Deference should not extend to an opined unpublished agency letter because it does not carry the force of law. [WS1] The United States Department of Educations Office for Civil Rights (OCR) letter presented here should not be awarded deference because the regulation letter argues that the interpretation the language of Title IX is ambiguous. Title IX provides that, no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program that receives Federal financial assistance. 20 U.S.C. Ãâà § 1681(a); accord 34 C.F.R. Ãâà §106.1 (emphasis added). OCR issued their letter challenging the interpretation of language on the basis of sex under Title IX, challenging it on the basis that it is not clear as it relates to gender identity. In support of OCRs letter, respondent proffers the legal standard accorded under Auer v. Robbins. There, the Court afforded controlling deference to an agency letter in form of a legal brief by the Secretary of Labor interpreting the language of regulations with regard to overtime pay under Federal legislation. Auer v. Robbins, 519 U.S. 452, 463 (1997). While Auer accords agencies the highest level of deference when interpreting their own regulations, such deference is only warranted in situations where regulatory language is ambiguous, unless the language is plainly erroneous or inconsistent with regulation. Id; see Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Nat. Resources Def. Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837, 843 (1984);Mission Group Kansas, Inc. v. Riley, 146 F.3d 775 (10th Cir. 1998; Stinson v. United States, 508 U.S. 36, 45, 113 S.Ct. 1913, 123 L.Ed.2d 598 (1993) (quoting Bowles v. Seminole Rock Sand Co., 325 U.S. 410, 414, 65 S.Ct. 1215, 89 L.Ed. 1700 (1945)). Here, the same level of deference to OCR would be inappropriate because OCR interprets language found under Title IX. Title IX is not an agency regulation, but rather federal law, and deference to an agencys interpretation of its regulation is warranted under Auer v. Robbins only when the regulations language is ambiguous, and that is not the case here. Christensen v. Harris County, 529 U.S. 576, 588 (2000) (emphasis added). As such, giving deference to an agencys interpretation of federal law is unwarranted. II. Language under Title IX is unambiguous and clear in its definition of sex. Title IX is clear as to its language, prohibiting discrimination of the basis of sex. When turning to past precedent, many courts have defined the term sex as the biological sex assigned to the person at birth. Johnston v. Univ. of Pittsburgh of Com. System, 97 F.Supp.3d 657, 670 (W.D.Pa. 2015); Frontiero v. Richardson, 411 U.S. 677, 686, 93 S.Ct. 1764, 36 L.Ed.2d 583 (1973). Here, Title IX is clear in its plain language that sex means to be construed as a persons biological sex rather than the gender they identify with. In fact, Title IX makes no mention at all of gender identity anywhere within its language as to be construed as anything but biological sex. We hold a narrow view of the statutory term sex due to its construction under legislative history. Johnston, 97 F.Supp.3d at 677. Because of prior precedent that holds a narrow meaning to the language under Title IX as it relates to sex, and the lack of reference to a persons perceived gender identity, we have to continue to construe on the basis of sex as meaning a persons biological sex and not gender identity. III. Respondent is not likely not to succeed on the merits because Petitioners restroom policy does not violate Title IX. The District Court did not abuse its discretion denying Petitioners preliminary injunction, because Petitioner had a discretionary right under Title IX to implement its bathroom policy. Schools are allowed to provide separate toilet, locker room, and shower facilities on the basis of sex. 34 C.F.R. Ãâà §106.33 (emphasis added). They may do this so long as such facilities provided for students of one sex shall be comparable to such facilities provided for students of the other sex. Id. After adopting the restroom policy in dispute, Petitioner installed three single-stall restrooms throughout Gloucester High School. R.21. They also raised doors and walls around the bathroom stalls, and installed partitions between urinals, in an effort to minimize the exposure individuals may experience in restroom facilities. Id. While these new policy measures were put in place, it by no means restricted the very nature of using the restroom facilities, but rather imposed an adherence to using separate facilities that correspond with a persons sex at birth. As such, Respondent was by no means denied the right to use the bathroom, nor was he encouraged or mandated to hold it in, but rather designated a separate restroom facility for convenience. Id. Respondent chose to avoid using the restroom in its entirety while present at school and as a result developed painful urinary infections and discomfort because of that choice. Id. Petitioner had every right under the scope of Title IX to enact its restroom policy, and in doing so, provided all students with an alternative facility that may be used by anyone and everyone, at any time. Its purpose was designed to accommodate everyone, including those, such as Respondent, who suffer from gender identity issues, and therefore Petitioner did not act in violation of Title IX. IV. Petitioners policy does not discriminate because it is within its authority under Title IX. Petitioners policy does not discriminate against Respondent because the plain language of Title IX does not prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity. Johnston v. Univ. of Pittsburgh of Com. System, 97 F.Supp.3d 657, 673 (W.D.Pa. 2015). To establish a prima facie case of discrimination under Title IX, Respondent must allege (1) that he was subjected to discrimination in an educational program; (2) that the program receives federal assistance; and (3) that the discrimination was on the basis of sex. Id. at 674; accord Bougher v. Univ. of Pittsburgh, 713 F.Supp. 139, 143-44 (W.D.Pa.1989). Here, Respondent cannot demonstrate that he was discriminated against based on sex. In dissecting the language under Title IX, the phrase on the basis of sex is construed to refer to a persons biological and anatomical sex assigned at birth. Title IX does not prohibit discrimination based on gender identity, nor does it even refer to such language within the legislature. Here, however, there was no discrimination under either light. With regard to Respondents gender identity, Petitioner expressed immediate support when Respondent informed officials that he was transgender from the very beginning. R.11; R.16. Subsequently, school officials immediately changed Respondents name in the official school records and began referring to him using only male pronouns. R.16. Furthermore, Respondent was permitted to use the boys restroom for almost two months before community concerns became vocal. R.17. Here, not only was Petitioner sensitive to Respondents requests and needs, but they were more than accommodating to ensure that Respondent felt comfortable within his educational environment. Petitioners restroom policy took into consideration both community and Respondents concerns. Ultimately, the policys intent is to increase both safety and privacy of all students so everyone feels as comfortable as possible using the restroom facilities. By providing all students with the option of an alternative, private single-stall restroom, the school sought to address everyones concerns of privacy. As such, the policy is, in and of itself, inclusive, not discriminatory, and Respondent cannot state such a claim. V. The restroom policy is motivated by a substantial interest. Petitioners restroom policy is motivated by a substantial interest to increase privacy and safety of all students. Petitioner implemented said restroom policy with the scope of addressing the entire communitys concerns, including Respondents, and provide an alternative solution to the dispute set forth. In Johnston, a transgender university student brought suit against the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown for his expulsion on the basis of discrimination, following failure to comply with the universitys bathroom policy. Johnston, 97 F.Supp.3d at 664. There, the university argued that the reasoning behind their policy of segregating its bathroom and locker room facilities on the basis of birth sex is substantially related to a sufficiently important government interest.' Johnston, 97 F.Supp.3d 657 at 669; accord Glenn v. Brumby, 663 F.3d 1312, 1316 (11th Cir.2011) (quoting Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Ctr., Inc., 473 U.S. 432, 446-47, 105 S.Ct. 3249, 87 L.Ed.2d 313 (1985)). Further, they reasoned that their policy was needed to ensure the privacy of its students to disrobe and shower outside of the presence of members of the opposite sex, which was widely upheld by courts for this reason. Johnston, 97 F.Supp.3d 657 at 669; see Etsitty v. Utah Transit Auth., 502 F.3d 1215, 1224 (10th Cir.2007). Similarly, here, Petitioner inherently undertakes the administrative duty to protect the safety and privacy interests of all their students as an educational body, particularly here because, the students are minors, rather than adults, as in Johnston. Linnon v. Commonwealth, 287 Va. 92, 752 S.E.2d 822, 826 (2014). For this reason, Petitioner has a substantial interest in protecting the safety and privacy of the minor children in its care. Moreover, all students have the right to privacy proscribed under the Constitution, and collectively, those rights outweigh the interests claimed by Respondent. Lee v. Downs, 641 F.2d 1117, 1119 (4th Cir. 1981). [WS1]Insert roadmap here under the first sub-issue and then continue with your argument
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